15 September, 2010

Watery Wednesday: Theseus slaying a Minotaur

The Archibald Fountain is located in Hyde Park in the centre of Sydney.  Theseus is one of the classical figures and represents sacrifice for the good of humanity.  Rain was teeming down when this photo was taken and the water on the bronze made it shine.

Archibald Fountain


  1. I've made many a detour when heading to and from clients, meditating near this statue. Though always in summer, so I've never seen it glisten like this. Most excellent.

  2. You are right - the water makes the whole statue different! Not that I have ever seen this particular one, but I can sort of translate to others, just looking at the colour of the metal!
    And I like the angle you have chosen, too!

  3. wonderufl...it's been too long since i've been there!
