29 November, 2009

The Betrayal

I didn't see the note when I first got home. I'd been out all day and my only thoughts were to take off my shoes and kick back on the sofa with a bevvie. It was some time later when I wandered into the kitchen and saw the note on the counter. It looked innocent enough and I'm not sure how I missed it. It was prominently displayed to catch my immediate attention. As I read the note a chill spread through my body and a sunken feeling of betrayal sat in the pit of my stomach.

Dear Vicki

This year we are taking a special time off to go overseas to visit family. Next week will be your last clean. Your first clean next year will be the third week of January.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

A& R, The Cleaners.

How could they do this to me? Leave me to do my own cleaning! Seven weeks of pretending not to see how badly the carpet needs to be vacuumed or ignoring spots of black mould in the shower. How will I survive?

Welcome to my blog. I'm hoping to share with you the product of an overactive imagination and an ability to blow things way out of proportion. Better put on a seat belt, it might get a bit bumpy.

As for A&R, I hope they have a wonderful holiday. Between you and me, it's a bit of a holiday for me as well. Every night before they arrive I go into a cleaning frenzy because I can't stand the thought of having people in my house when it's a mess. Did I mention I have issues? Lots of issues.

I think I will bake up a special Christmas treat as a gift to A&R when they do the final clean for this year. Rum Balls? White Christmas? No, the thought of White Christmas makes me gag. Maybe some fruit mince pies.

Whatever I make you can be sure I will leave the most godawful mess in the kitchen for them to sort out.

Did I mention I'm a bit vengeful?

1 comment:

  1. bahahahaha

    oh that makes me laugh to the point of being a bit sick. Why don't you check into a hotel?
